The .cc country-code top-level domain name (ccTLD) is an extension that represents the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Domain names can be up to 63 characters, with a minimum of three characters, and can contain letters (a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and hyphens (except at the beginning or end of the domain name). You cannot register domain names with special characters such as & or #.

Features Availability
Who can register? Anyone
Registration length 1-10 years
Renewal length 1-10 years
Renewal restrictions Details below
Nameserver requirements None
Transfers to LuckyRegister – Cheap Domain Registration, Domain Hosting Services Supported
Transfers away Supported
Private registration Supported
Protected registration Supported
Backorders Not supported
Bulk registration Supported
Account change Supported
Contact updates Supported
IDNs Not supported
Expiration/redemption Please contact customer support
Refund policy Details below
Registry VeriSign



Renewal restrictions

Auto-renewal of your .cc domain name renews on the day after its expiration date. If the renewal attempt fails, we re-attempt renewal 4 days later and again in another 7 days.

If we cannot auto-renew the domain name and you do not manually renew it by the 12th day after the expiration date, it must be redeemed. There might be a fee for the redemption. See Recovering Expired Domain Names for instructions on the redemption.

For example: Your .cc domain name expires on October 1. If your domain name does not renew automatically, you can renew it manually until October 20. For automatic renewals, we attempt to renew the domain name on October 2, October 6, and October 13.

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About .cc Domains – Cheap Domain Registration

The .cc country-code top-level domain name (ccTLD) is an extension that represents the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Domain registration can be up to 63 characters, with a minimum of three characters, and can contain letters (a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and hyphens (except at the beginning or end of the domain name). You cannot register domain names with special characters such as & or #.

Features Availability
Who can register? Anyone
Registration length 1-10 years
Renewal length 1-10 years
Renewal restrictions Details below
Nameserver requirements None
Transfers to LuckyRegister – Cheap Domain Registration, Domain Hosting Services Supported
Transfers away Supported
Private registration Supported
Protected registration Supported
Backorders Not supported
Bulk registration Supported
Account change Supported
Contact updates Supported
IDNs Not supported
Expiration/redemption Please contact customer support
Refund policy Details below
Registry VeriSign
Renewal restrictions

Auto-renewal of your .cc domain name renews on the day after its expiration date. If the renewal attempt fails, we re-attempt renewal 4 days later and again in another 7 days.

If we cannot auto-renew the domain name and you do not manually renew it by the 12th day after the expiration date, it must be redeemed. There might be a fee for the redemption.

For example: Your .cc domain name expires on October 1. If your domain name does not renew automatically, you can renew it manually until October 20. For automatic renewals, we attempt to renew the domain name on October 2, October 6, and October 13.

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****We offer cheap domain registration services and the list of top level domains with cheap domains sales.