Who can register .asia domains?
If your business, organization, or community group is located in the Asia-Pacific region or if at least one of your domain name contacts resides there, you can register a .asia domain name.
Domain registration can be up to 63 characters, with a minimum of three characters, and can contain letters (a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and hyphens (except at the beginning or end of the domain name). You cannot register domain names with special characters such as & and #. We support Chinese, Japanese, and Korean IDNs (Internationalized Domain Names).
About .asia Domain Names
The .asia top-level domain name (TLD) is an ICANN-sponsored domain name extension that represents the Asia-Pacific region. A .asia domain name gives you exposure to the region as a whole, as opposed to individual countries, such as a .jp or .cn extension. This extension is particularly useful for companies that conduct business in different Asian countries because securing the .asia domain name gives you regional recognition, makes it easier to manage your Web presence, and increases your exposure to the growing number of Internet users in the Asia-Pacific region.
Visit our .ASIA cheap domain registration service for more information.
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